Atkins Library: Exhibits
This site highlights artists' books held in Special Collections & Archives of J. Murrey Atkins Library.
This collection includes over one hundred scientific instruments that include microscopes, magnifiers, and microscope accessories. The instruments span three centuries beginning from the eighteenth century and into the twentieth.
Library exhibits are intended to enhance and enrich teaching, learning and culture at the University. These events highlight library resources together with original visual and multimedia work. Exhibit themes emphasize the Libraries’ collections, research interests of UNC Charlotte faculty, students and staff, university curriculum and local cultural initiatives.
Student mural created during the fall 2017 semester as part of the Mixed-Media/Print Media 3 classes. The mural was specifically created for the Hight Architecture Library at UNC Charlotte. The multi-piece mural was then installed in the Hight Architecture Library in Storrs spring 2018. The project was inspired by the short story "The Library of Babel" by Jorge Luis Borges.
This website highlights Goman’s memory through Vodou and dance, linking it to Haitians’ current needs for economic and social justice, and ongoing efforts for sustainable community uplift and cultural education solutions in Grand’Anse
The Niners Remember April 30 exhibit features photos, videos, and audio recordings made in the days, weeks, and months after the tragic shooting on April 30th, 2019. It highlights the May 1 Niners Unite vigil, the numerous memorials made to honor Reed Parlier and Riley Howell, and the ways in which the Charlotte community reached out to support UNC Charlotte.
Mural created for Atkins Library by students in ARTP 3161: Mixed Media Painting and ARTR 3162: Large Format Printing & Mixed Media in Spring 2022
Course Description : Introduction to art, architecture, interior design, and clothing history, including social and economic factors that influenced development. Through research and critical thinking, students demonstrate knowledge of historical and contemporary art movements, architecture, and clothing for application in theatrical design.
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