Society of Arts-Style Microscope
c. 1850-1860 -
Simple Dissecting Microscope
Circa 1840 -
Wilson Screw Barrel Microscope
Circa 1740 -
Pocket Microscope
Circa 1840 -
Stage Forceps
c. 1900 -
Simple Microscope Replica
c. 1800s -
Compressor Lever
c. 1840 -
Simple Pocket Microscope
c .1875-1925 -
Brass Telescope
c. 1800s -
Pocket Microscope
c. 1800s -
Desktop Magnifier
c. 1850s -
Magnifying Glass
c. 1800-1850 -
Magnifying Glass
c. 1800s -
Pocket Magnifier
c. 1900 -
Compass Pocket Microscope with Magnifying Glass
c. 1775-1825 -
Candlestick with Condenser
c. 1800s -
"Cary-Gould Style" Compound Microscope
c. 1880 -
Society of Arts-Style Compound Microscope
c. 1875 -
Drum Compound Microscope
Circa 1840 -
Stanhope Pocket Microscope
c. 1800-1850 -
Coddington Microscope
c. 1830-1890 -
Coddington Microscope
c. 1830-1890 -
Simple Field Microscope
c. 1800-1850 -
Transitional Compound Microscope
Circa 1840