Photograph shows a close-up view of the mural imagery.
Photograph shows a close-up view of the mural imagery.
Photograph show students from the class sampling different media types for the mural.
Photograph show students from the class sampling different media types for the mural.
Students start to cut shapes out of the large boards they have designed and decorated.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
Photograph show student Aoibhin Maguire working on large-format sheet. The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The photograph shows Professor Erik Waterkotte painting on one of the large sheets. The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
Photograph shows student Kianna Balla holding up one of the large sheets that the students designed and decorated. This piece shows how the students integrated mapping and geographic imagery. The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing. This photograph shows student Philip Cherry painting directly onto one of the large-scale sheets. Imagery from nature is prominent in this piece as seen with the leaves.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing. This piece is covered with images of nature (e.g. leaves, shells) and yellow rubber ducks.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing. This particular section show images of yellow ducks and autumn leaves.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing.
The students incorporated a variety of mediums during this stage, including painting, printmaking, and digital printing. This photograph shows two students using paint rollers to decorate the pieces.