David Spano, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Director of the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services



David Spano, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Director of the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services


"I think there's no question that the event brought the campus together. I felt that immediately. The day after the shooting, I think it was the next day, we had the vigil in the Student Activity Center and it was packed. And it was emotional. And it was meaningful. And there was just this sense of 'we are all in this together,' whether we were in the room or not. It was a shared experience. One that I wouldn't want to repeat, obviously, but one that I do think created a sense of community that was far more profound than what I had experienced on this campus before. I think it caused people to feel, ironically, kind of proud of being here and I think there was a lot of resolve that we were going to be strong and get through this. That we are going to look out for each other and this isn't going to define us, but it's going to change us."


Spano, David B. (interviewee); Moore, Casey Bumgarner (interviewer)






J. Murrey Atkins Library Special Collections & University Archives, University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Niner Nation Remembers Oral History Project, J. Murrey Atkins Library Special Collections & University Archives, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (https://goldmine.uncc.edu/index/render/pid/uncc:nr)


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