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ARCH 3101-Architecture Design Studio

Course Description

This course continues the architecture design studio sequence by focusing on the theme of "Material and Structural Assemblies."  Students interrogate matters of tectonics, structural systems and material strategies.  Physical and computational modeling are emphasized as complementary modes of inquiry.


Work displayed in this exhibit comes from class sections taught by Peter Wong, David Thaddeus, Jonathan Desi-Olive, and Kuniko Bufford.

Exhibit Description

Third Year Fall begins with a series of group assignments that aim to foreground a formal ssense of structures (linear, curvilinear, profile, and surface possiiliies). These lessons are supported by a focus on digital representation and physical modeling. 


The second half of the term asks students to take these intial possibilities about structures and investigate them via a project situated in Seattle, WA, located on one of three waterfront sites near the Ballard Locks. Students are asked to devise a program for a Creative Cultural Resource Center. The projects displayed here are a result of the ability to integrate site, program as well as  an emergent appreciation for the structural necessity of buildings.