ARTR 3263-Book Arts & Paper Making

artists books exhibit

ARCH 3101: Architecture Design Studio

ARCH 3101

ARCH 4050/5050: Japanese Concepts of Space

Exhibit Mock-Up


Fates Intertwined: Carver College & Its Connection to UNC Charlotte

Newspaper cutout

Faux Abstraction - Drawing I

Faux Abstraction Drawing I Example

Little Free Library: In the Making

Little Free Libraries Model

Cannabis Plant Patents and Utility Patents

Cannabis Exhibit

Art-o-mat in Atkins (permanent exhibit)



Accessible Standards -Sinise Beckett

IMPRINT BFA Graphic Design

Visual Period Styles for Theatre (virtual exhibit)

Dr. Edward Jenner and His Legacy

Centennial Celebration of the Discovery of Insulin

From Mural to Zines (virtual exhibit)

Conceptual Practices: When Art Classes Pivot (virtual exhibit)

Separate, But Not Equal Exhibit

Senior Spotlight: Veronique Hooper (virtual exhibit)



Dance History II: Spotlight on Undergraduate Research (Virtual Exhibit)

Telling a People's Story: African American Children's Illustrated Literature 

Little Free Libraries: A Collaboration

New Artists' Books

Celebrating Dr. Angela Davis



Traveling Soles

Travelling Soles

Beyond the Scope: The Microscope in History


The 80th Anniversary of Batman

Batman Anniversary Exhibit

Graphic Medicine: Ill-Conceived and Well-Drawn

Graphic Medicine Traveling Exhibit

Studies in the Principles of Animation

Principles of Animation



Romare Bearden's Li'l Dan the Drummer Boy

Romare Bearden Exhibit

Aging Awareness Exhibit & Competition

Aging Awareness Poster

150th Anniversary of Little Women

Little Women Exhibit



Atkins as Art Contest & Exhibit

Atkins as Art Winner

Bittersweet Harvest: The Bracero Program, 1942-1964

Photos by Leonard Nadel/National Museum of American History

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