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ARTR 3263-Book Arts & Paper Making

Instructor: Kristin Rothrock

Professor Rothrock began teaching at UNC Charlotte in 2000. She is a Senior Lecturer in Art Foundations in the Department of Art & Art History and teaches Book Arts and Paper Making. Rothrock has an MFA in Graphic Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a BS in Studio Art/Printmaking from Skidmore College.


Course Description:

An introduction to 2-D and 3-D paper making techniques and sculptural and traditional book arts. Book styles to be created include the hand-sewn Western Codex, Japanese Binding, accordion pleat and others. Book assignments will be thematic with book form relating to content. A variety of traditional and non-traditional materials will be used, including found objects. Book installation forms, pop-ups, sculptural fold-out books and construction of narrative will be explored. Some books will be constructed from the hand-made papers. The exploration of natural dyes, paper marbling and pulp painting are introduced with papermaking.


List of Students: (more information to come)


What are artists' books?

An artist's book is an investigation of the book as form. Typically handmade and of a limited edition, artists' books vary significantly in their materials, structure, and subject matter. They may feature handstiched bindings and letterpress printing, be bound in wire, or make use of a unique paper folding techniques. The sheer variety of elements provide artists and writers opportunity for both visual and textual exploration.


Artists' Books in the Library:

Several artists' books created by students in this class will be added to the library's North Carolina Artists' Books Collection.